An introductory course in grid-based map analysis



COURSE DESCRIPTION  — Most traditional applications of GIS technology focus on mapping and management aspects of spatial databases to automate existing business processes.  Spatial reasoning skills beyond manual map processing provide opportunities to address complex spatial issues in entirely new ways.  GIS professionals need an understanding of spatial analysis capabilities and modeling techniques to fully capitalize on the tremendous investments made in GIS databases.  This course focuses on the concepts and procedures used in uncovering and applying relationships within and among maps.  It extends the mapping and geo-query capabilities of GIS to map analysis and construction of spatial models.  The course establishes a comprehensive framework that addresses a wide range of applications from natural resources to retail marketing.  Topics include the nature of spatial data, introduction to spatial statistics, and surface modeling in the first five weeks followed by spatial analysis operations and modeling techniques in the second five weeks.  The lectures, discussions and independent exercises provide a foundation for creative application of GIS technology in spatial reasoning and decision-making. 


Note: the upper-division course is designed for a 10-week term with three hours lecture and six hours of homework per week.   The homework exercises can be completed in the open hours at the departmental GIS lab or using students’ personal computers.  Students receive a CD containing all of the software, data, exercises and supplemental materials needed to complete the course.



Course Syllabus and other administrative links – Descriptive material about the course including example homework exercises, instructor guidelines and example homework exercises.

ü       Week 1 -- Maps as Data 

ü       Week 2 – Spatial Analysis Operations 

ü       Week 3 – Reclassifying and Overlaying Map Layers 

ü       Week 4 – Measuring Distance and Connectivity 

ü       Week 5 – Summarizing Spatial Context

ü       Week 6 – GIS Modeling Procedures

ü       Week 7 – Surface Modeling 

ü       Week 8 -- Spatial Statistics (Descriptive) 

ü       Week 9 -- Spatial Statistics (Prescriptive) 

ü        Week 10 – Future Directions


Lecture Notes – The more than 200 slides introduce grid-based map analysis concepts, procedures and considerations.  Many of the slides have embedded links to the companion Map Analysis book, exercises and other materials for further reference.

Note: example slides are best viewed at full resolution.  When viewed in the Internet Explorer browser, click on  pop-up in lower-right corner of an image to switch to full resolution.


Homework AssignmentsThere are 10 exercises designed for hands-on experience with the concepts presented in the lecture slides and linked readings. 


ReadingsThe lecture notes and homework assignments are linked to the appropriate topics in Beyond Mapping, Spatial Reasoning and Map Analysis books.


Course Software – The MapCalc package is used for spatial analysis, data mining and GIS modeling; Surfer is used for spatial interpolation and surface modeling; SnagIt is used for screen capture of map displays; MapInfo and ArcView are used for demonstration of integrating descktop mapping (vector) and map analysis (raster) software systems.